September 2017
Stable Version 3.3 Released
September 02, 2017 Filed in: Release Notes
Stable version 3.3 has now been released. A new information panel containing various file/directory information is now available from the sidebar. Manual sorting of items within a directory in the sidebar is now supported. Added a few new plugins and made several enhancements and fixes to the plugin API. Of course, the usual round of bug fixes and other enhancements have been made.
Here's a full list of the new features, changes and bug fixes available in this release.
Bug Fixes:
Here's a full list of the new features, changes and bug fixes available in this release.
- Added new sidebar info panel in sidebar which can display image thumbnails, image size, file size, file permissions, file owner, file group, modification date, version control current version, line count, word count, character count, average reading time, MD5 checksum, SHA-1/224/256 hash values and favorited status for both files and directories.
- Added plugin support for adding information to the sidebar info panel about a file or directory.
- Added ability to theme the sidebar info panel in the theme editor.
- Added preference item to make the sidebar info panel remain in view when the sidebar loses keyboard focus.
- Added preference item to determine which information is displayed in the sidebar info panel.
- Added new `get_current_version` method requirement for version control tooling.
- Added new calendar plugin for inserting mini calendars into document.
- Added preference option to show/hide hidden files in the sidebar.
- Added Uncolorize menu option to the CSS Colorizer plugin.
- Added Markdown syntax support for **::**_highlight_**::** and **||**_strikethrough_**||** syntax.
- Added ability to close a file from the sidebar by hitting the Backspace key when the targetted file is selected.
- Added ability to manually sort the contents of a directory or move files/directories to a different directory within the sidebar via drag-and-drop.
- Added new `api::sidebar::set_info` API procedure.
- Added new `publish_markdown` plugin which can be used to generate the User Guide and Developer Guide without the need for third party applications.
- Added API support for new color picker, table and help preference widgets.
- Added new `api::export` plugin call which allows plugins to use the built-in export capability on custom text.
- Added ability to theme the scrollbars that are used alongside ttk-style widgets.
- Updated Tcl reference documents to use version 8.6 instead of version 8.5.
- Upgraded Tablelist widget from 5.17 to 5.18.
- Updated some of the built-in themes to make the new file information panel look better than the default look.
- Improved Tcl syntax highlighting.
- Made tk::PlaceWindow, tk::SetFocusGrab, tk::RestoreFocusGrab and tkwait commands callable from within plugin code.
- Changing default shortcut for `Edit / Select All` menu option from Command-A/Control-A to Shift-Command-A/Shift-Control-A.
- Refactored main Vim control logic for improved performance.
- Themed the indentation, syntax and sidebar menus.
- Changed behavior of Markdown/MultiMarkdown to insert blank line when hitting enter on a list item line that contains no content.
- Removed `Edit / Delete` submenu.
- Added syntax highlighting for Markdown and MultiMarkdown quoted text.
- Added formatting to DocBook syntax.
- Improved syntax highlighting in DocBook syntax.
- Enhanced `api::sidebar::get_info` API procedure to include attribute values of is\_dir, is\_open, parent, children and sortby.
- Added `-height` option to API preference text widget options set.
- Removed support for Ulysses in managing documentation since we will no longer being using this utility for development purposes.
- Changing plugin preference panes to allow scrolling of preferences within the pane.
- Integrated new `-help` option into several plugin widgets to optionally associate help information into the widget display.
- Changed out all ttk-style scrollbars with custom scrollbar for UI consistency and scrollbar minimalism.
- Changed About window "Credits" text font to match the rest of the window.
- Cleaned up various UI elements within the remote file and font chooser dialog windows.
- Updated translations.
- Updated User Guide.
- Updated Developer Guide.
- Improved the look of code examples within the Developer Guide.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed sidebar issue on Windows where files would be duplicated within a folder when folders at top preference item is enabled.
- Fixed issue with displaying URLs from with TKE to a web browser on Windows.
- Fixed issues with incorrect images being rendered in the User Guide and Developer Guide.
- Fixed issue with using colon character in snippet regexp patterns.
- Fixed issue with escaping forward slash characters in snippet syntax.
- Fixed issue with right-clicking ctext clickable text for macOS platform.
- Fixed issues with sidebar and tab popup menus not conforming to the chosen theme.
- Fixed issues with various themes to help make menus more readable.
- Fixed issue with Untitled tabs causing unexpected sidebar behavior.
- Fixed issue where multicursors disappeared when Escape was entered after inserting text.
- Fixed issue with menu theming on macOS.
- Fixed CSS Colorizer plugin documentation.
- Fixed line-spacing issues between displayed lines that are line-wrapped.
- Fixed syntax issues with URL validator plugin README file.
- Fixed issue where meta characters were not being colorized properly.
- Fixed translation issue for tooltips in find panel.
- Fixed issue that could cause tooltips to not be displayed.
- Fixed issue in theme editor that caused image colors based on swatches to not get updated when the associated swatch color is changed.
- Fixed issue where calling `api::preference::get_value` from plugin code would cause syntax error.
- Fixed plugin issue for Tk widgets that contain `-variable` or `-textvariable` options where variables were not being updated to match widget.
- Fixed issue where text widgets in plugin preferences would not properly save text changes made to them.
- Fixed various issues with using Tk widgets in plugins that called command code.
- Fixed issue within About Credits text area that could allow the user to edit the text found in that window.
- Fixed issues with exporting on Windows.