January 2019

Stable Version 3.6 Released

A new stable release of TKE (3.6) is now available for download. This is first and foremost a bug fix release, but it is also one with a lot of small improvements made all around the application. The following is a list of improvements and changes made in this release. Enjoy!


  • Added support for function and variable syntax highlighting.
  • Added an uninstall script for Linux environments.
  • Added Terraform and TypeScript syntax highlighters.
  • Added `api::menu::get_value` API procedure which returns the current value of a checkbutton or radiobutton menu item.
  • Added advanced preference option to specify a default directory for exporting plugins.
  • Added support for using globbed file/directory names on the command-line for Windows users.
  • Added Plugins menu command to display the plugin source directory in the sidebar when in development mode.
  • Added `api::plugin::get_header_info` API function.
  • Added support for new plugin header fields: `display_name`, `website` and `category`.
  • Added the ability to clear the currently selected shortcut in the Shortcuts preference pane by hitting the `Delete` key.
  • Added copy (Control-c), cut (Control-x) and paste (Control-y) keyboard shortcuts to all entry, combobox and spinbox widgets.
  • Added support for changing the ordering display of files in the sidebar with the keyboard when manual ordering is enabled for a directory (Alt-Up/Down will move all selected files up/down, respectively).
  • Added preference option in Find panel that controls whether the find or find/replace panels are automatically closed when keyboard focus is given back to the editing buffer.
  • Added menu indicator in syntax menus when those menus display syntaxes using alphabetical categorization to help the user find the currently displayed syntax.
  • Added new `add_shortcut` and `open_glob` plugins.
  • Added support for setting a proxy server/port in the `Advanced` preferences panel.
  • Added ctext support for setting and hiding syntax highlighted with meta characters.


  • Changed the default font size of the command launcher text widget from 6 to 10 to improve readability.
  • Moved the text widget in the command launcher to be displayed below results to improve readability.
  • Updated built-in themes to provide color schemes for function/variable highlighting.
  • Updated all syntax descriptions to perform function and/or variable highlighting.
  • Minor UI improvements made to the About window.
  • Renamed `api::get_install_directory` to `api::get_plugin_source_directory`.
  • Renamed `api::get_plugin_directory` to `api::get_plugin_data_directory`.
  • Debug logfiles are no longer added to the recently opened list.
  • Improved command-line help information and formatting.
  • Enhanced macOS installation instructions to include the need for Tcl/Tk 8.6 installation.
  • Improved translation file checker.
  • Enhanced PluginHeader syntax description to allow the user to right-click on the category field value to change it to a different, supported value.
  • Improved plugin export facility to allow the user to change the version number (with combobox suggestions) and provide release notes.
  • Increased width of shortcuts search field.
  • Removed todo plugin items, markers, favorites and reference documents from the Shortcuts preferences menu.
  • Changed/Fixes keyboard traversal issues in the shortcuts preferences menu.
  • Improved the display of plugin names within the UI to improve readability.
  • Updated ptwidgets library.
  • Removed the strings `Windows`, `Unix` and `Emmet` from translations as they are proper names.
  • Improved automated translation utility.
  • Changed the session switcher and deletion submenus to display the current session.
  • Improved HTML display in application updater.
  • Removed support for watermark strings when creating plugin preference entry widgets.
  • Improved Markdown syntax highlighting to consider backslash characters as meta characters that can be hidden via the View menu.
  • Changed Markdown link syntax to treat the URL references as hideable text.
  • When a directory is added to the sidebar, it is now automatically selected and made visible.
  • Updated all copyright information to include 2019.
  • Enhanced e_menu and doctest plugins.
  • Updated translations.
  • Updated User Guide.
  • Updated Developer Guide.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed missing/incorrect language reference document links in syntax definition files.
  • Fixed issue with left-clicking the mouse when Vim mode is disabled (UI updates were not occurring).
  • Fixed About window sizing issue on different platforms that could cause UI elements to not be displayed.
  • Fixed clipboard history issue where inserting from clipboard history did not update the order of elements in the clipboard history.
  • Fixed issues with creating a new directory from the sidebar using an absolute pathname.
  • Fixed sidebar issue where a newly created directory might not be immediately displayed.
  • Fixed potential issue with trashing a sidebar item.
  • Fixed issue with Linux installation script that can cause in-app updates to no longer work.
  • Fixed and improved code support for moving the cursor to the next or previous start/end of a word that could cause the application to crash.
  • Fixed issues with tab asterisk display when editing in non-Vim mode.
  • Fixed redo issue when it caused a line to be deleted.
  • Fixed issue when a tab is modified and the application is exited, TKE will not prompt the user if a save is needed.
  • Fixed issue with `Sort By` sidebar submenu activation status in Linux environments.
  • Fixed issues with using parenthesis in exact searches.
  • Fixed issue that could cause the `Todo` plugin to crash the application if a todo name contained colon characters.
  • Fixed issue with the shortcuts column width when a menu path exceeds the width of the preferences window.
  • Fixed permission issues with exporting themes/bundles.
  • Fixed issue where the editing buffer was disabled from editing after a find/replace operation took place.
  • Fixed issue where plugin I/O operations would not complete when the plugin called 'close' on a file channel.
  • Fixed issue where attempting to mark a blank line in a file would not display the mark (blank lines are no longer markable).
  • Fixed issue where a line being named with a mark could be cleared before the mark was named.
  • Fixed issue where a plugin preference pane required the dropdown menu to be selected twice before showing the panel.
  • Fixed keyboard focus issue in Shortcuts preference panel where after a shortcut was edited, the table wasn't receiving input focus.
  • Fixed issues where keyboard shortcuts were incorrectly activatable when keyboard focus is in a different window or widget.
  • Fixed issue where the find and find/replace panels could be displayed on top of each other (only one should be displayed at a time).
  • Fixed an issue calculating the plugin directory when exporting a file.
  • Fixed button width display issue in preference window when non-English translations are used.
  • Fixed initial startup wizard layout when non-English translations are used.
  • Fixed issues with the display of the syntax selection menu when they are sorted within alphabetic submens.
  • Fixed display issues with the `dir_popup`, `root_popup` and `file_popup` plugin actions.
  • Fixed issue where multiple startup windows could be displayed simultaneously.
  • Fixed issue where clicking on the window close button of the startup window did not exit the application.
  • Fixed issue where plugin header data could get stored incorrectly.
  • Fixed issues around using the tablelist widget in plugins.
  • Fixed issue where the `.` and `..` directory items on Linux and macOS could be displayed in the sidebar if the "Show hidden files" preference option was set.
  • Fixed display of cursor when a search panel was closed.
  • Fixed issue where changing snippet options in a named session was not allowing the preference changes to take effect.
  • Fixed cursor snippet insertion string in snippet editor insert menu.
  • Fixed issue with http downloader procedure on Windows.
  • Fixed issues with preference entry widgets not displaying their values and saving their values properly.
  • Fixed issues with sidebar menu plugins with submenus.
  • Fixed issues with theme exporter displaying an error message.
  • Fixed Markdown display issues with `Show Installed` plugin menu output by placing backslashes in front of Markdown characters that come from the plugin header where Markdown syntax is not supported.
  • Fixed PluginHeader syntax description to ignore hashtags that are not at the beginning of a line.
  • Fixed theming issues with the code editing widgets within the preferences window.
  • Fixed preference window display issue when the current panel is the plugins panel and we change the session/language menubutton value.
  • Fixed snippet parsing issue that would not allow snippet variables to be used in snippet shell commands.
  • Fixed issue where the sidebar did not show a newly added file to a directory.
  • Fixed issue where a global preference that was changed when we are in a named session did not cause that preference change to be immediately reflected in the tool.
  • Fixed issue with zipping themes/bundles in Windows.
  • Fixed issue where preferences were being saved to session preferences that should not be there.
  • Fixed issue where closing the preference window would incorrectly prompt the user to save to the session/global preferences.